Friday, December 18, 2009
#81 - Donate blood (7/9)
What a great way to contribute during the holidays, by donating blood and saving a life! Not to mention Amy's icecream will now give me a free pint. :-)
#15 - Cook home meal(s) (76/143)
I made green chili mac 'n cheese casserole last night for dinner. Accompanied with ground beef to mix in the mac n cheese, mediterranean salad and garlic bread (Malek made the bread). Excellent flavor! Barely anything left over.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Signing Book finished!
Today I ordered our signing book for the wedding. It contains many of our wonderful engagement pictures taken by Randy Tinney. We left enough space on most of the pages for our wedding guests to sign. Ah the memories. Can't wait to see the book, it will arrive by Christmas! :-)
Our Signing Book
Woohoo, this also contributes to #39 - make a photobook!
Our Signing Book
Woohoo, this also contributes to #39 - make a photobook!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Eventful weekend
Friday we stayed in and relaxed and caught up on some DVR'd shows. Malek wrapped the White Elephant gifts.
Saturday we drove over to Malek's dad's house to set up his Christmas tree. Currently Al is in China and doesn't return until the 20th. Sara and Dana brought us all Torchy's Taco's for lunch. Yummy! After a couple hours there we came back home and I worked on our photo album while the kids played Wii. Malek took Emma to her girl scouts parade in Pf at 5:30pm and then around 8pm we were heading out to the Cox's White Elephant Party. It was a great night with lots of 'stolen' gifts. We all wore our holiday finest, I love dressing up. :-) I was very sad that I couldn't steal back the white elephant that I brought as a gift. It was super cute!

Sunday we slept in since we didn't get home till 2am. Then we gathered up the kids and headed downtown to climb Mt. Bonnell (#85). And by climb I really mean walk up 99 steps, which was much quicker than we thought it would be. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. The weather actually got up to the high 60's with nice, clear, sunny skies. Mt Bonnell was beautiful and we spent about an hour there. Then we headed to Crescent City Beignets (#90).....or what was left of it. I'm sad to report that it actually closed back in 2008. I was so bummed, can't believe I missed it. So instead we decided to find the 'Greetings from Austin' sign. I had to call Monica for directions, but we eventually found it. By this time it was 2pm and everyone was starving so we ate lunch at Huts Hamburgers and then head home. We did stop by HEB to do some grocery shopping on the way home (we were sadly out of everything!). Then it was back to work on the photo album followed by a late evening volleyball game. I couldn't wait to hit the sack, man was I exhausted.

Saturday we drove over to Malek's dad's house to set up his Christmas tree. Currently Al is in China and doesn't return until the 20th. Sara and Dana brought us all Torchy's Taco's for lunch. Yummy! After a couple hours there we came back home and I worked on our photo album while the kids played Wii. Malek took Emma to her girl scouts parade in Pf at 5:30pm and then around 8pm we were heading out to the Cox's White Elephant Party. It was a great night with lots of 'stolen' gifts. We all wore our holiday finest, I love dressing up. :-) I was very sad that I couldn't steal back the white elephant that I brought as a gift. It was super cute!

Sunday we slept in since we didn't get home till 2am. Then we gathered up the kids and headed downtown to climb Mt. Bonnell (#85). And by climb I really mean walk up 99 steps, which was much quicker than we thought it would be. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. The weather actually got up to the high 60's with nice, clear, sunny skies. Mt Bonnell was beautiful and we spent about an hour there. Then we headed to Crescent City Beignets (#90).....or what was left of it. I'm sad to report that it actually closed back in 2008. I was so bummed, can't believe I missed it. So instead we decided to find the 'Greetings from Austin' sign. I had to call Monica for directions, but we eventually found it. By this time it was 2pm and everyone was starving so we ate lunch at Huts Hamburgers and then head home. We did stop by HEB to do some grocery shopping on the way home (we were sadly out of everything!). Then it was back to work on the photo album followed by a late evening volleyball game. I couldn't wait to hit the sack, man was I exhausted.

Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Holidays are upon us!
Wow how time flies. It's December and just keeps getting busier and busier.
- Boot Camp is in full swing, we had our 4th class today. The coldest morning yet (32 degrees or so)!
- All my xmas gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Go me!
- My work Holiday offsite was yesterday (Wed), we had a wonderful lunch at Fogo de Chão (#65) and a white elephant gift exchange. Man was I stuffed after sampling all the meats.
- Tonight I'm heading to Renee's Shop, Sip & Share, to help local women going through breast cancer treatment.
- Malek and I are currently going through all our engagement photos, trying to narrow them down to 25 or so to create a photo book (#39) before the end of the month (free if we get it done before Dec 31st).
- Saturday we are going to Malek's dad's house to put up a Christmas tree, then Emma has a Girl Scouts parade followed by Jenn's White Elephant party that evening.
- Sunday the plans are to climb Mt. Bonnell #85, enjoy a beignet #90 and possibly hit up the Trail of Lights.
Monday, December 7, 2009
#40 - read more
Finished book 9 of the TrueBlood series. Found out there's a book 10, sigh, never done.
Next up is Eclipse!
Next up is Eclipse!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Engagement pictures are ready!
Our engagement photos are now posted on Randy's website. Check them out!
Randy Tinney Photography
Click on Recent Weddings --> Christina & Jonathan - Engagement
This will take you to Randy's Photos page. We are listed under Recent Photos: Christina & Jonathan Engagement 11/29/09
Randy Tinney Photography
Click on Recent Weddings --> Christina & Jonathan - Engagement
This will take you to Randy's Photos page. We are listed under Recent Photos: Christina & Jonathan Engagement 11/29/09
Boot Camp has begun!
This morning was the first day of boot camp and it was invigorating! Malek and I woke up at 5am to get ready and were out of the house by 5:30am. We had gone shopping the night before and bought new warmer workout gear for the event so we were prepared for the 44 degrees weather. We arrived right ontime, 6am, and found our group. Since most people were still on vacation and only 5 of us showed up, we did a 30 min workout instead of a full hour.
We started with 15 (3 count) jumping jacks, then 2 laps around the soccer field, followed by lunges up a hill! Then we did 2 sets, 15 reps each of pushups, tricep dips and step-ups....then back to more lunges up the hill and ended with 15 more jumping jacks. My arms were killing me after all the pushups and tricep dips. I can already tell I'm going to be sore. My upper body is definitely my weak link. I really enjoyed the workout this morning and I'm looking forward to more! Since I was so close to work I brought all my stuff with me to get ready at the Dell gym. I also did 100 crunches at the gym before my shower.
Next session is Thursday morning! Bring it!
This will help with #44 and #45. Not to mention get me in shape before the wedding. :-)
We started with 15 (3 count) jumping jacks, then 2 laps around the soccer field, followed by lunges up a hill! Then we did 2 sets, 15 reps each of pushups, tricep dips and step-ups....then back to more lunges up the hill and ended with 15 more jumping jacks. My arms were killing me after all the pushups and tricep dips. I can already tell I'm going to be sore. My upper body is definitely my weak link. I really enjoyed the workout this morning and I'm looking forward to more! Since I was so close to work I brought all my stuff with me to get ready at the Dell gym. I also did 100 crunches at the gym before my shower.
Next session is Thursday morning! Bring it!
This will help with #44 and #45. Not to mention get me in shape before the wedding. :-)
Busy Thanksgiving!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday morning Malek and I flew up to MI, we arrived around 1:30pm and went straight from the airport to a bridal consignment shop. Poor Malek, he made do by finding a bar down the street while I tried on dresses with my mom. :-) For dinner we went to an celtic pub where we enjoyed a large pizza and pitcher of beer for only $10!
Wednesday morning I put in a quick 1 mile run. Then my mom and I went back out to two more consignment shops. And yes I found a dress and I LOVE it! Super excited. :-D We finally made it back home around 4pm and started making pies and other food for Thanksgiving (#15 - cooking!). Stephen and Christina showed up around 7pm, just in time for dinner. I finally gave everyone their Alaskan gifts that I had brought back from my trip in July...yes yes a little late on my part. Malek and I also gave our xmas gifts to Steve and lil'C since we won't see them at xmas this year. Afterwards we played some cards and relaxed.
Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving! This day was filled with cooking, eating, napping and football.
Friday morning mom, lil'C and I all went to David's Bridal to try on dresses. I'm a bridesmaid for my brothers wedding and was determined to get all the dresses out of the way by the end of this trip. :-) So glad I found a dress, now just need to order it here at the Austin store. We made it home for a late lunch before heading back out to the airport for our 5pm flight home.
Saturday was a very busy day. We started the morning off with a 5k around the neighborhood. Then Malek and I went to Home Depot to buy xmas lights and various other household items we needed. Then we stopped at HEB for some groceries and our storage unit for a mattress. Once we got home the Christmas decorating commenced! Malek worked on the outside lights while I set up the tree and decorated inside, even got out the xmas dishes! This completes # 9 - xmas lights for the house! By 4pm we were exhausted and had to rest before getting ready for Karen's bday celebration. For Karen's bday we dined at Z'Tejas downtown then hit up Max's Wine Bar. After several glasses of wine we headed to Maggie Mae's rooftop bar and danced until 2am! I think we finally made it to bed around 2:30am.
Sunday was a late start. I was up around 9am but Malek didn't move until 10am (late for him). We had lunch at Pluckers and then went to see 2012. I liked it. When we got home we finished up the decorations and caught up on a few DVR'd shows. Then it was off to see New Moon with Amanda and Jenn. I thought it was much better than Twilight and Taylor (the werewolf) was totally buff and made us girls drool!
What a great week/end!
I also finished reading 1.5 books (Sookie Stackhouse/Trueblood series) on the trip (#40)
The Christmas cards I ordered arrived in the mail as well! Planning on mailing those out this week (#99)
Tuesday morning Malek and I flew up to MI, we arrived around 1:30pm and went straight from the airport to a bridal consignment shop. Poor Malek, he made do by finding a bar down the street while I tried on dresses with my mom. :-) For dinner we went to an celtic pub where we enjoyed a large pizza and pitcher of beer for only $10!
Wednesday morning I put in a quick 1 mile run. Then my mom and I went back out to two more consignment shops. And yes I found a dress and I LOVE it! Super excited. :-D We finally made it back home around 4pm and started making pies and other food for Thanksgiving (#15 - cooking!). Stephen and Christina showed up around 7pm, just in time for dinner. I finally gave everyone their Alaskan gifts that I had brought back from my trip in July...yes yes a little late on my part. Malek and I also gave our xmas gifts to Steve and lil'C since we won't see them at xmas this year. Afterwards we played some cards and relaxed.
Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving! This day was filled with cooking, eating, napping and football.
Friday morning mom, lil'C and I all went to David's Bridal to try on dresses. I'm a bridesmaid for my brothers wedding and was determined to get all the dresses out of the way by the end of this trip. :-) So glad I found a dress, now just need to order it here at the Austin store. We made it home for a late lunch before heading back out to the airport for our 5pm flight home.
Saturday was a very busy day. We started the morning off with a 5k around the neighborhood. Then Malek and I went to Home Depot to buy xmas lights and various other household items we needed. Then we stopped at HEB for some groceries and our storage unit for a mattress. Once we got home the Christmas decorating commenced! Malek worked on the outside lights while I set up the tree and decorated inside, even got out the xmas dishes! This completes # 9 - xmas lights for the house! By 4pm we were exhausted and had to rest before getting ready for Karen's bday celebration. For Karen's bday we dined at Z'Tejas downtown then hit up Max's Wine Bar. After several glasses of wine we headed to Maggie Mae's rooftop bar and danced until 2am! I think we finally made it to bed around 2:30am.
Sunday was a late start. I was up around 9am but Malek didn't move until 10am (late for him). We had lunch at Pluckers and then went to see 2012. I liked it. When we got home we finished up the decorations and caught up on a few DVR'd shows. Then it was off to see New Moon with Amanda and Jenn. I thought it was much better than Twilight and Taylor (the werewolf) was totally buff and made us girls drool!
What a great week/end!
I also finished reading 1.5 books (Sookie Stackhouse/Trueblood series) on the trip (#40)
The Christmas cards I ordered arrived in the mail as well! Planning on mailing those out this week (#99)

Monday, November 23, 2009
Engagement Session
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day! Just perfect for our engagement pictures. :-) Randy worked with us for 3 hours, 4 wardrobe changes and 4 different locations. It was a blast and we can't wait to see all the pictures. We should have them back in 2 weeks. Randy even sent us a few of the shots he already worked on, they are awesome!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
#42 - teeth whitening
So I've finally started using my teeth whitening kit. Not sure how well it will work since it's now about 4 years old. Malek even bought some teeth whitening strips himself.
Fingers crossed it works and there's a noticable difference by wedding time! (As long as I'm consistent and keep up with it right?...)
Fingers crossed it works and there's a noticable difference by wedding time! (As long as I'm consistent and keep up with it right?...)
#99 - Christmas cards!
Year after year I receive these cute Christmas cards from family and friends...the whole time thinking "I really need to do that!".
Finally, this year I will! I just ordered 25 Christmas cards today via Webshots. I can't wait for them to come in and send them to family and friends. Funny to get so excited over Christmas cards. :-)
I've also been ordering a lot of pictures lately from Webshots and even filled up a photo book that I had my friend Renee make for me. It's so cute! Hot pink and black zebra print. This sorta fits into #39. I still plan on printing off photo books of all my trips (Germany, Cozumel, Australia, Alaska, Costa Rica) and making an engagement photo album for the wedding. Whew! So much to do.
Finally, this year I will! I just ordered 25 Christmas cards today via Webshots. I can't wait for them to come in and send them to family and friends. Funny to get so excited over Christmas cards. :-)
I've also been ordering a lot of pictures lately from Webshots and even filled up a photo book that I had my friend Renee make for me. It's so cute! Hot pink and black zebra print. This sorta fits into #39. I still plan on printing off photo books of all my trips (Germany, Cozumel, Australia, Alaska, Costa Rica) and making an engagement photo album for the wedding. Whew! So much to do.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
#49 & 50 - Winery & Girls Trip!
We had a blast this past Saturday for Amanda's 30th birthday celebration! Our day started at 10am with mimosas and muffins in the car as we headed out to Wimberly. Our 1st stop was the Wimberly Cafe for lunch, then it was off to our adventure! We picked Wimberly Ziplines for this event based off one of the items on Amanda's 101 (#101 -Do something I'm afraid to do). We had a great time hanging from wires and the weather was perfect, though we had an interesting time trying to find the place. Seven girls whipping out their phones to look up directions and a GPS in the car and still lost - priceless! After the ziplines we snacked on prosciutto, salami, cheese and sipped on some wine as we headed to our next destination, Mandola Winery. We made it just in time for the 4pm wine tour and then sampled 6 of their wines in the tasting room. I think everyone's favorite wine was the Canto Felice. What a great way to unwind after zipping across the land. Around 6pm we all changed into our finest and dined at Trattoria Lisina. The cuisine was amazing, the wine superb, and we even received a free appetizer and gelati/sorbetti. It was a wonderful trip with the ladies, with a very interesting drive home. ;-)

by cfreund

by cfreund

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Well, I just signed up with Renee to do a bootcamp. 2x's a week from 6-7am! This should be interesting as I've never done bootcamp before. And starting in Dec! Hope it's not too cold since this is all outside.....
What have I gotten myself into????
What have I gotten myself into????
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Invitations ordered!!
Whew! I ordered the invites, RSVPs and Thank You cards today. It's amazing how many times I read and reread them to make sure everything was right, nothing misspelled...even sent it off to a few others to proof read. Here's hoping everything comes out correct and looks good! I'm just glad they are done. :-)
*** Woohoo! we got free shipping on the order too! ***
*** Woohoo! we got free shipping on the order too! ***
Monday, November 9, 2009
Salute to Sausage
Saturday was the 49th annual Wurstfest celebration! There were quite a few of us out there this year enjoying the food and beer. :-) Good times! This time we even rode the ferris wheel!
Food eaten: wurstkabob, potato pancakes w/ apple sauce, blooming onion (ate considerably less food than last year)
Beer consumed: 4 pitchers (I think....)

Food eaten: wurstkabob, potato pancakes w/ apple sauce, blooming onion (ate considerably less food than last year)
Beer consumed: 4 pitchers (I think....)

Friday, November 6, 2009
#15 - Cook home meal(s) (72/143)
Failure: # 44 - Well besides the Race for the Cure on Sunday I haven't worked out at all this week! Doesn't help when you're sick either. ugh!
#15 - However, I have done lots of cooking!
Saturday made banana nut bread and pasta for dinner.
Monday baked sugar and spice pumpkin seeds, pink soup and grilled cheese.
Thursday made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans
#15 - However, I have done lots of cooking!
Saturday made banana nut bread and pasta for dinner.
Monday baked sugar and spice pumpkin seeds, pink soup and grilled cheese.
Thursday made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans
Monday, November 2, 2009
Race for the Cure 11/1/09
Malek and I ran the Race for the Cure Sunday morning. I'm so happy to reach my goal of under 30 mins! This year has been rough for me on races. I seemed to have lost the motivation and speed at the beginning of the year. It's taken me since Aug to get back to the point I'm at now. I'm happy to say I ran the 5K in 29:17. :-) Malek ran with me and completed the race in 29:18. Not sure how that happened since he was ahead of me the last mile. Perfect weather for it though, a nice crisp 54 degrees and sunny. We arrived about 7 mins late due to traffic, however the course and layout of the event was done very nicely, I was impressed.
Now if I can only get back to my 26-27 min 5K's that would be the bomb!
My Chip Time
Gun Time: 37:03
Chip Time: 29:17
Class Position: 54
Total Pace: 9:23/M
Now if I can only get back to my 26-27 min 5K's that would be the bomb!
My Chip Time
Gun Time: 37:03
Chip Time: 29:17
Class Position: 54
Total Pace: 9:23/M
Monday, October 26, 2009
7th Annual Halloween Spook-tacular!

Webshots album:

by cfreund

Friday, October 23, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
La Dolce Vita food & wine fest
Last night was the 20th anniversary of La Dolce Vita. This year Malek, Karen, Monica and Kyle all came out to enjoy the event. The food was awesome! Crazy enough they started running out of wine at about 7:30pm. Glad we got there early! We all had a great time, definitely worth it! We even ran into some local clowns from the clown crawl! Pretty crazy huh? Candy the Clown recognized Tassels (Malek) and Brian (Spanky the Pig clown) was there as well. Good times!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
My first MSU basketball game!
Can you believe I've never seen an MSU basketball game???!!!! For shame! Well, this year I will! I just bought tickets to watch MSU vs UT in Dec. They are nose bleed seats but I don't care, so looking forward to it!
This really should be on my 101 list...maybe I'll change #100 [private] to an MSU basketball game. :-)
I forgot what the [private] one was anyways...Yup, this is now #100 on my list!
This really should be on my 101 list...maybe I'll change #100 [private] to an MSU basketball game. :-)
I forgot what the [private] one was anyways...Yup, this is now #100 on my list!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wine & Cheese delight!
I had a great time Saturday night for my bday. Thank you to everyone who attended and made it wonderful!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Fully into my 30's....
This Saturday I'll be turning 31! Wow, this seems to have made more of an impact to me than my 30th b-day did. Guess it's because I'm now fully into my 30's. :-P Oh well, I'm still having a ball and loving life! Bring it on! :-) I'm really looking forward to my party, all the wine & cheese and great friends.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Got the Photographer!
I'm so excited! We confirmed with the photographer today and he's sending over the contract. Randy Tinney came highly recommended by my friend Jenn. He's photographed several of my friends weddings and I'm thrilled to have him for our wedding. :-)
Check out his site!
Randy Tinney Photography
Check out his site!
Randy Tinney Photography
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wedding Planning Galore!
It's been a very busy week since I last blogged. In fact I've only made it to the gym once! Gasp. Wedding planning has consumed everything.
However, I think Malek and I have found a place! There's still a couple more venues to see but I doubt it'll sway our decision. Not going to post the venue until next week once we have it all finalized. So stay tuned!
Once the venue is booked, I'll be able to start looking for my dress!....and invitations....
#15 - Cook home meal (67/143)
Malek made sloppy joes last night with tater tots. And several glasses of wine! :-D
However, I think Malek and I have found a place! There's still a couple more venues to see but I doubt it'll sway our decision. Not going to post the venue until next week once we have it all finalized. So stay tuned!
Once the venue is booked, I'll be able to start looking for my dress!....and invitations....
#15 - Cook home meal (67/143)
Malek made sloppy joes last night with tater tots. And several glasses of wine! :-D
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I do!
I'm engaged! :-D
This past weekend Malek and I went to San Antonio for a mini vacation. When he first broached the subject of this trip to me, I immediately thought "this would be perfect for an engagement!"....then immediately squashed that idea since he had mentioned a month before that he wanted to wait till after the make sure we survived. pfft! :-P Ok this getaway was not going to be the 'moment', however, my mind couldn't shake the idea completely and 5% thought MAYBE!!!!
Saturday morning we ran the Keep Austin Weird 5K, in the pouring rain no less. Actually the rain helped keep me cool and made it a more enjoyable race. Malek ran an awesome pace, I still have a lot of room for improvement. After the race we rushed back home to pack and headed out to SA. Malek booked a room at the Hilton Palacio del Rio which was right on the river walk, even had a private balcony!! Once we were checked in we headed down to the riverwalk and had a few drinks. For dinner we decided to eat at Aldo's, one of our favorite places to dine at in Austin is Tree House Grill and Aldo's is very similar (though nicer). After a few more drinks in our hotel room we took off for our destination. Anyone who's been to SA knows that the highway system is less than desirable (a complicated mess!) and very difficult to navigate...after 20 mins of misdirection we finally found the restaurant. As we're walking up to the entrance Malek grabs my hand and turns me around. He's already down on one knee and holding a ring! OMG OMG OMG! "Christina, I love you, will you marry me?" Promptly my cute little coach clutch decides to throw up its contents as I start crying and say "of course!". Mwah, kiss, SWAK! I put on the ring and I'm just blown away by its beauty. Malek did good! :-D
Dinner lasted 3 hours and was all talk of how he found the ring, how long he'd been planning this day (6 weeks apparently), etc. So many people knew! I can't believe they were all able to keep quiet. Malek even asked my dad for permission! I was so excited I couldn't even eat (yes, I know, me not be able to eat?). We had a wonderful evening celebrating our engagement.
Sunday we had breakfast on the river walk and passed on the news to family and friends. Then we walked to El Mercado and explored all the shops. I bought Malek a ring since he'd been wanting a silver one....that seems fair right? hahahaha We enjoyed lunch at La Margarita and ate some puffy tacos to appease my brother. Our walk back to the hotel tired us out so I took a nice nap while Malek watched some football. Afterwards we went on a sunset river boat tour, this was a first for Malek. It rained on us for a brief 10 mins during the tour, luckily our boat captain hid us under a bridge before continuing so we didn't get soaked. All in all a great tour. We spent the rest of the evening walking up and down the river walk, checked out the Liquid Monkey bar, ate at Waxy O'Connor's Irish pub, purchased some chocolates to indulge in later and then crashed.
Monday we had breakfast again on the river walk, I enjoyed my favorite eggs Benedict and the weather was perfect. We checked out of our hotel and explored the shops at La Villita. The copper store was my favorite, they had beautiful vases and a really cool table that I soooo wanted. Later we headed over to brackenridge park, which was right by the Zoo!, and visited the Japanese tea garden.
Couldn't have asked for a more wonderful romantic weekend! The weather was awesome, the food was delicious and the engagement was perfect.

This past weekend Malek and I went to San Antonio for a mini vacation. When he first broached the subject of this trip to me, I immediately thought "this would be perfect for an engagement!"....then immediately squashed that idea since he had mentioned a month before that he wanted to wait till after the make sure we survived. pfft! :-P Ok this getaway was not going to be the 'moment', however, my mind couldn't shake the idea completely and 5% thought MAYBE!!!!
Saturday morning we ran the Keep Austin Weird 5K, in the pouring rain no less. Actually the rain helped keep me cool and made it a more enjoyable race. Malek ran an awesome pace, I still have a lot of room for improvement. After the race we rushed back home to pack and headed out to SA. Malek booked a room at the Hilton Palacio del Rio which was right on the river walk, even had a private balcony!! Once we were checked in we headed down to the riverwalk and had a few drinks. For dinner we decided to eat at Aldo's, one of our favorite places to dine at in Austin is Tree House Grill and Aldo's is very similar (though nicer). After a few more drinks in our hotel room we took off for our destination. Anyone who's been to SA knows that the highway system is less than desirable (a complicated mess!) and very difficult to navigate...after 20 mins of misdirection we finally found the restaurant. As we're walking up to the entrance Malek grabs my hand and turns me around. He's already down on one knee and holding a ring! OMG OMG OMG! "Christina, I love you, will you marry me?" Promptly my cute little coach clutch decides to throw up its contents as I start crying and say "of course!". Mwah, kiss, SWAK! I put on the ring and I'm just blown away by its beauty. Malek did good! :-D
Dinner lasted 3 hours and was all talk of how he found the ring, how long he'd been planning this day (6 weeks apparently), etc. So many people knew! I can't believe they were all able to keep quiet. Malek even asked my dad for permission! I was so excited I couldn't even eat (yes, I know, me not be able to eat?). We had a wonderful evening celebrating our engagement.
Sunday we had breakfast on the river walk and passed on the news to family and friends. Then we walked to El Mercado and explored all the shops. I bought Malek a ring since he'd been wanting a silver one....that seems fair right? hahahaha We enjoyed lunch at La Margarita and ate some puffy tacos to appease my brother. Our walk back to the hotel tired us out so I took a nice nap while Malek watched some football. Afterwards we went on a sunset river boat tour, this was a first for Malek. It rained on us for a brief 10 mins during the tour, luckily our boat captain hid us under a bridge before continuing so we didn't get soaked. All in all a great tour. We spent the rest of the evening walking up and down the river walk, checked out the Liquid Monkey bar, ate at Waxy O'Connor's Irish pub, purchased some chocolates to indulge in later and then crashed.
Monday we had breakfast again on the river walk, I enjoyed my favorite eggs Benedict and the weather was perfect. We checked out of our hotel and explored the shops at La Villita. The copper store was my favorite, they had beautiful vases and a really cool table that I soooo wanted. Later we headed over to brackenridge park, which was right by the Zoo!, and visited the Japanese tea garden.
Couldn't have asked for a more wonderful romantic weekend! The weather was awesome, the food was delicious and the engagement was perfect.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
The low down on my remaining 101
Not sure what I was thinking with some of these items….45 out of 101 left.
6. Plant trees in back yard (Crape myrtles) – Still really want to do this…perhaps in March with Malek’s help :-)
9. Buy Christmas lights for the house - Have to get this done this year before time runs out!
15. Cook at least one home meal(s) a week [i.e. eat out less] (66/143) - I think I’m doing well with this one.
16. Actually use my bathtub and soak in a warm bath at least once a quarter. (1/11) - Major failure, just takes forever to fill up the tub with water…not that patient
22. Go downhill snow skiing - no clue if this will happen
23. Go camping at least once a year (1/3) - Keep trying to plan a time to go but the end of this year is already packed, probably have to wait till March/April time frame again.
24. Run a 5 miler - Maybe the Cedar Perk 5K in Oct….big maybe… I have run 10K’s before which is over 5 miles so technically I’ve done the mileage.
27. Buy a new bike - Sigh, maybe next year? Maybe I’ll get lots of $$ for xmas to buy one. :-P
28. Compete in a Triathlon - Another big SIGH…maybe next year
31. Go snowboarding for the first time - no clue if this will happen
32. Ride in a hot air balloon - no clue if this will happen
35. Hit golf balls at a driving range (practice practice practice) - At least I did a Scramble this year…
38. Move all my pictures from Webshots to a better online digital service website (snapfish?). - Eh, haven’t found one I like…so sticking with Webshots.
39. Print off a photo book of my online pictures. Use Webshots or blurb or picaboo?? - Yah yah yah, need to get on this one as well, I did print off about 50 pics though to put in a photo book that Renee is making for me. :-D
40. Read more than just fiction novels/books (IP) – I decided as long as I’m reading that’s good enough. Currently on the TrueBlood series and need to read Eclipse which I just bought.
41. Clean out closets and donate clothes to charity at least once a year (IP, 2/3) - So far so good!
42. Actually use the teeth whitening kit I got 3 yrs ago – FAILURE. Still haven’t touched it, need to get on it!
44. Work out at least 3x's a week [IP] (holidays and vacations permitting) – Doing well with this one! Started running outside instead of inside as well.
45. Keep weight under (private) lbs (IP) – All I have to say is “pfft”
46. Learn to change a tire and basic car maintenance – Can I rely on “I’m a girl” and some guy will help me?
49. Go to a winery in TX or do a wine tour – This is planned for Nov for Amanda’s bday!
50. Take a girls trip – This will also be taken care of in Nov for Amanda’s bday!
52. Take a road trip – no clue if this will happen
53. Stay at a B&B in Fredericksburg – Still would really like to do this, just not sure it will happen in the 1001 day time limit. Malek and I are going to San Antonio for a mini getaway vacation this weekend though!
54. Go to the beach – We’d like to go, a friend of ours has a huge house on the beach in Port A….all about timing though, perhaps next summer.
56. Drive a motorcycle (I've ridden on them, never driven one) – no clue if this will happen
57. Do more things with my hair besides a ponytail – Occasionally I do that faux hawk look…straight or curly still seems to be about it though.
59. Floss more (IP) – Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t
63. Attend Oktoberfest in TX – Not sure I’ll make it this year yet again (conflicts)…but we plan on going to Wurstfest again!
65. Eat out somewhere new (a nice restaurant like Jazz, Truluck's, etc) [IP] (Boiling Pot 4/28/08, Truluck's 2/16/09, NoRTH 6/8/09, Louie's 106 9/4/09) – On a roll with this one, guess I could cross it off since I didn’t designate how MANY new places I had to eat at. I just like listing them. :-P
69. Take a sewing machine class – Doubt this will happen
70. Buy a sewing machine – Doubt this will happen
73. Make time for another professional massage – Oohhh, so gotta book this! Who wants to go with me?
75. Achieve the next level at work – Again “pfft”, doesn’t seem conducive in this environment
81. Donate blood at least 3x’s a year (6/9) – Rocking this one!
82. Go on a picnic – I think this will only happen if Malek and I make it to #84
84. Swim in Barton Spring Pool – Still really want to do this, just gotta find the time!
85. Ascend all 99 steps to the top of Mt. Bonnell – For some reason I feel like I’ve done this already….probably before I put this list together. Like to do it again though.
86. Play Frisbee golf again – Fail, Maybe I should check out Old Settlers, I know they have one and it’s right behind my house!
88. Go horseback riding again (haven’t been in over 6 yrs) – Doubt this will happen
90. Have a beignet from Crescent City Beignets – Just like #85, I’ve actually had a beignet from CCB before, someone brought a box of them to an outdoor play we went too like 6 yrs ago. Still want to go again which is why I’m leaving it on the list.
93. Attend a sing a long at the Alamo– no clue if this will happen
98. Watch some movies off the AFI Greatest Movies list – Ha! Failure
99. Send out Christmas cards at least once during this time period – Plan on doing them this xmas!
100. [PRIVATE] – I don’t even remember what this was supposed to be….when something not on this list happens guess I’ll use it then. ;-)
6. Plant trees in back yard (Crape myrtles) – Still really want to do this…perhaps in March with Malek’s help :-)
9. Buy Christmas lights for the house - Have to get this done this year before time runs out!
15. Cook at least one home meal(s) a week [i.e. eat out less] (66/143) - I think I’m doing well with this one.
16. Actually use my bathtub and soak in a warm bath at least once a quarter. (1/11) - Major failure, just takes forever to fill up the tub with water…not that patient
22. Go downhill snow skiing - no clue if this will happen
23. Go camping at least once a year (1/3) - Keep trying to plan a time to go but the end of this year is already packed, probably have to wait till March/April time frame again.
24. Run a 5 miler - Maybe the Cedar Perk 5K in Oct….big maybe… I have run 10K’s before which is over 5 miles so technically I’ve done the mileage.
27. Buy a new bike - Sigh, maybe next year? Maybe I’ll get lots of $$ for xmas to buy one. :-P
28. Compete in a Triathlon - Another big SIGH…maybe next year
31. Go snowboarding for the first time - no clue if this will happen
32. Ride in a hot air balloon - no clue if this will happen
35. Hit golf balls at a driving range (practice practice practice) - At least I did a Scramble this year…
38. Move all my pictures from Webshots to a better online digital service website (snapfish?). - Eh, haven’t found one I like…so sticking with Webshots.
39. Print off a photo book of my online pictures. Use Webshots or blurb or picaboo?? - Yah yah yah, need to get on this one as well, I did print off about 50 pics though to put in a photo book that Renee is making for me. :-D
40. Read more than just fiction novels/books (IP) – I decided as long as I’m reading that’s good enough. Currently on the TrueBlood series and need to read Eclipse which I just bought.
41. Clean out closets and donate clothes to charity at least once a year (IP, 2/3) - So far so good!
42. Actually use the teeth whitening kit I got 3 yrs ago – FAILURE. Still haven’t touched it, need to get on it!
44. Work out at least 3x's a week [IP] (holidays and vacations permitting) – Doing well with this one! Started running outside instead of inside as well.
45. Keep weight under (private) lbs (IP) – All I have to say is “pfft”
46. Learn to change a tire and basic car maintenance – Can I rely on “I’m a girl” and some guy will help me?
49. Go to a winery in TX or do a wine tour – This is planned for Nov for Amanda’s bday!
50. Take a girls trip – This will also be taken care of in Nov for Amanda’s bday!
52. Take a road trip – no clue if this will happen
53. Stay at a B&B in Fredericksburg – Still would really like to do this, just not sure it will happen in the 1001 day time limit. Malek and I are going to San Antonio for a mini getaway vacation this weekend though!
54. Go to the beach – We’d like to go, a friend of ours has a huge house on the beach in Port A….all about timing though, perhaps next summer.
56. Drive a motorcycle (I've ridden on them, never driven one) – no clue if this will happen
57. Do more things with my hair besides a ponytail – Occasionally I do that faux hawk look…straight or curly still seems to be about it though.
59. Floss more (IP) – Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t
63. Attend Oktoberfest in TX – Not sure I’ll make it this year yet again (conflicts)…but we plan on going to Wurstfest again!
65. Eat out somewhere new (a nice restaurant like Jazz, Truluck's, etc) [IP] (Boiling Pot 4/28/08, Truluck's 2/16/09, NoRTH 6/8/09, Louie's 106 9/4/09) – On a roll with this one, guess I could cross it off since I didn’t designate how MANY new places I had to eat at. I just like listing them. :-P
69. Take a sewing machine class – Doubt this will happen
70. Buy a sewing machine – Doubt this will happen
73. Make time for another professional massage – Oohhh, so gotta book this! Who wants to go with me?
75. Achieve the next level at work – Again “pfft”, doesn’t seem conducive in this environment
81. Donate blood at least 3x’s a year (6/9) – Rocking this one!
82. Go on a picnic – I think this will only happen if Malek and I make it to #84
84. Swim in Barton Spring Pool – Still really want to do this, just gotta find the time!
85. Ascend all 99 steps to the top of Mt. Bonnell – For some reason I feel like I’ve done this already….probably before I put this list together. Like to do it again though.
86. Play Frisbee golf again – Fail, Maybe I should check out Old Settlers, I know they have one and it’s right behind my house!
88. Go horseback riding again (haven’t been in over 6 yrs) – Doubt this will happen
90. Have a beignet from Crescent City Beignets – Just like #85, I’ve actually had a beignet from CCB before, someone brought a box of them to an outdoor play we went too like 6 yrs ago. Still want to go again which is why I’m leaving it on the list.
93. Attend a sing a long at the Alamo– no clue if this will happen
98. Watch some movies off the AFI Greatest Movies list – Ha! Failure
99. Send out Christmas cards at least once during this time period – Plan on doing them this xmas!
100. [PRIVATE] – I don’t even remember what this was supposed to be….when something not on this list happens guess I’ll use it then. ;-)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wonderful Weekend Wedding!
Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend! Ours was crazy busy. :-)
Friday I took a half day PBA to get ready for the weekend events. Hair cut at 10:30am, pedi at noon, then it was home to change for the rehearsal dinner. Malek took the kids to the rehearsal at 3pm and then I joined them at Stephen F Austin bar around 5:15pm. After relaxing with some drinks on the terrace we headed over to Louie's 106 for the rehearsal dinner. The food was awesome! After the wedding party opened their gifts we headed back to Stephen F Austin bar to mix and mingle with family and friends.

Saturday was the first UT tailgate of the year! Woohoo! Everyone invited to the wedding was invited to the tailgate, Sara and Dana also reserved a block of seats at the game for those that wanted to attend. We tailgated for about 8 hours, had some wonderful fish tacos and played tailgate golf. Everyone left for the game around 5:45pm while we stayed at the tailgate to watch the first quarter before heading home. All that time out in the sun just wiped us out! I actually ran 3 miles when I got home (that nice cold front really helped!) while Malek fell asleep on the couch. I think we were in bed by 10pm or so. Evan and Emma actually went to the game and made it through the whole thing! Evan came home and Emma went with the bridal party for a sleepover at the hotel w/ the Bride.

Sunday morning Malek and I took advantage of the cooler temps and went for a run (it was 73 degrees!), then Malek mowed the lawn while I weeded the flower beds. After breakfast, Malek took Evan to the hotel to get ready with the groom and groomsmen. I headed on over to the RR outlet malls to see what deals they had. I scored another cool dress from WHBM and some shirts from BR. Malek bought new ties for the wedding. After a couple hours of shopping we came home, ate lunch, I took an hour nap, and then we started getting ready for the wedding. We arrived at Laguna Gloria about 5:30pm to make sure the kids were all set. The ceremony was beautiful, albeit a bit warmer than we would have liked. After the ceremony we had about 45 mins to mingle, drink and eat appetizers while the wedding party took more pictures. Then we moved onto dinner. The food was great, it was served family style on one very long table. We had fried pickles, mini burgers, pecan crusted chicken nuggets, spinach goat cheese salad, roasted veggies, fish tacos, sweet potato fries and regular fries all with an assortment of sauces. Next came the cake cutting ceremony and dancing! Everyone had a great time, the night ended around 11pm when we cheered on the newlyweds as they left on trolley's to head downtown for more partying. We didn't go downtown, it was way too late by that point and the kids needed to hit the sack.

Monday was brunch at the newlyweds house. Can't go wrong with Torchy Tacos, yummy! After the brunch we came home to rest for a bit then headed out to a labor day BBQ at a friends house. We called it a day around 5pm and finally came home to rest, upload pics, order pizza and watch TV. :-D

What a wonderful weekend! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Barney!
Friday I took a half day PBA to get ready for the weekend events. Hair cut at 10:30am, pedi at noon, then it was home to change for the rehearsal dinner. Malek took the kids to the rehearsal at 3pm and then I joined them at Stephen F Austin bar around 5:15pm. After relaxing with some drinks on the terrace we headed over to Louie's 106 for the rehearsal dinner. The food was awesome! After the wedding party opened their gifts we headed back to Stephen F Austin bar to mix and mingle with family and friends.

Saturday was the first UT tailgate of the year! Woohoo! Everyone invited to the wedding was invited to the tailgate, Sara and Dana also reserved a block of seats at the game for those that wanted to attend. We tailgated for about 8 hours, had some wonderful fish tacos and played tailgate golf. Everyone left for the game around 5:45pm while we stayed at the tailgate to watch the first quarter before heading home. All that time out in the sun just wiped us out! I actually ran 3 miles when I got home (that nice cold front really helped!) while Malek fell asleep on the couch. I think we were in bed by 10pm or so. Evan and Emma actually went to the game and made it through the whole thing! Evan came home and Emma went with the bridal party for a sleepover at the hotel w/ the Bride.

Sunday morning Malek and I took advantage of the cooler temps and went for a run (it was 73 degrees!), then Malek mowed the lawn while I weeded the flower beds. After breakfast, Malek took Evan to the hotel to get ready with the groom and groomsmen. I headed on over to the RR outlet malls to see what deals they had. I scored another cool dress from WHBM and some shirts from BR. Malek bought new ties for the wedding. After a couple hours of shopping we came home, ate lunch, I took an hour nap, and then we started getting ready for the wedding. We arrived at Laguna Gloria about 5:30pm to make sure the kids were all set. The ceremony was beautiful, albeit a bit warmer than we would have liked. After the ceremony we had about 45 mins to mingle, drink and eat appetizers while the wedding party took more pictures. Then we moved onto dinner. The food was great, it was served family style on one very long table. We had fried pickles, mini burgers, pecan crusted chicken nuggets, spinach goat cheese salad, roasted veggies, fish tacos, sweet potato fries and regular fries all with an assortment of sauces. Next came the cake cutting ceremony and dancing! Everyone had a great time, the night ended around 11pm when we cheered on the newlyweds as they left on trolley's to head downtown for more partying. We didn't go downtown, it was way too late by that point and the kids needed to hit the sack.

Monday was brunch at the newlyweds house. Can't go wrong with Torchy Tacos, yummy! After the brunch we came home to rest for a bit then headed out to a labor day BBQ at a friends house. We called it a day around 5pm and finally came home to rest, upload pics, order pizza and watch TV. :-D

What a wonderful weekend! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Barney!
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