Saturday we drove over to Malek's dad's house to set up his Christmas tree. Currently Al is in China and doesn't return until the 20th. Sara and Dana brought us all Torchy's Taco's for lunch. Yummy! After a couple hours there we came back home and I worked on our photo album while the kids played Wii. Malek took Emma to her girl scouts parade in Pf at 5:30pm and then around 8pm we were heading out to the Cox's White Elephant Party. It was a great night with lots of 'stolen' gifts. We all wore our holiday finest, I love dressing up. :-) I was very sad that I couldn't steal back the white elephant that I brought as a gift. It was super cute!

Sunday we slept in since we didn't get home till 2am. Then we gathered up the kids and headed downtown to climb Mt. Bonnell (#85). And by climb I really mean walk up 99 steps, which was much quicker than we thought it would be. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. The weather actually got up to the high 60's with nice, clear, sunny skies. Mt Bonnell was beautiful and we spent about an hour there. Then we headed to Crescent City Beignets (#90).....or what was left of it. I'm sad to report that it actually closed back in 2008. I was so bummed, can't believe I missed it. So instead we decided to find the 'Greetings from Austin' sign. I had to call Monica for directions, but we eventually found it. By this time it was 2pm and everyone was starving so we ate lunch at Huts Hamburgers and then head home. We did stop by HEB to do some grocery shopping on the way home (we were sadly out of everything!). Then it was back to work on the photo album followed by a late evening volleyball game. I couldn't wait to hit the sack, man was I exhausted.

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