Tuesday morning Malek and I flew up to MI, we arrived around 1:30pm and went straight from the airport to a bridal consignment shop. Poor Malek, he made do by finding a bar down the street while I tried on dresses with my mom. :-) For dinner we went to an celtic pub where we enjoyed a large pizza and pitcher of beer for only $10!
Wednesday morning I put in a quick 1 mile run. Then my mom and I went back out to two more consignment shops. And yes I found a dress and I LOVE it! Super excited. :-D We finally made it back home around 4pm and started making pies and other food for Thanksgiving (#15 - cooking!). Stephen and Christina showed up around 7pm, just in time for dinner. I finally gave everyone their Alaskan gifts that I had brought back from my trip in July...yes yes a little late on my part. Malek and I also gave our xmas gifts to Steve and lil'C since we won't see them at xmas this year. Afterwards we played some cards and relaxed.
Thursday - Happy Thanksgiving! This day was filled with cooking, eating, napping and football.
Friday morning mom, lil'C and I all went to David's Bridal to try on dresses. I'm a bridesmaid for my brothers wedding and was determined to get all the dresses out of the way by the end of this trip. :-) So glad I found a dress, now just need to order it here at the Austin store. We made it home for a late lunch before heading back out to the airport for our 5pm flight home.
Saturday was a very busy day. We started the morning off with a 5k around the neighborhood. Then Malek and I went to Home Depot to buy xmas lights and various other household items we needed. Then we stopped at HEB for some groceries and our storage unit for a mattress. Once we got home the Christmas decorating commenced! Malek worked on the outside lights while I set up the tree and decorated inside, even got out the xmas dishes! This completes # 9 - xmas lights for the house! By 4pm we were exhausted and had to rest before getting ready for Karen's bday celebration. For Karen's bday we dined at Z'Tejas downtown then hit up Max's Wine Bar. After several glasses of wine we headed to Maggie Mae's rooftop bar and danced until 2am! I think we finally made it to bed around 2:30am.
Sunday was a late start. I was up around 9am but Malek didn't move until 10am (late for him). We had lunch at Pluckers and then went to see 2012. I liked it. When we got home we finished up the decorations and caught up on a few DVR'd shows. Then it was off to see New Moon with Amanda and Jenn. I thought it was much better than Twilight and Taylor (the werewolf) was totally buff and made us girls drool!
What a great week/end!
I also finished reading 1.5 books (Sookie Stackhouse/Trueblood series) on the trip (#40)
The Christmas cards I ordered arrived in the mail as well! Planning on mailing those out this week (#99)

[...] 95% complete 12/12/07, 100% 12/18/07) 8. Unpack my stuff in the new house (Done! 12/24/07) 9. Buy Christmas lights for the house (Done! 11/29/09) 10. Use my stand mixer (Done! Dec 2008) 11. Buy energy efficient light bulbs (Done! [...]