Neither rain nor hail nor sleet shall stop me!
OK, so maybe there wasn’t any sleet or hail but there was definitely a lot of rain! This morning was the Capitol 10K, my 4th year running this race. The night before I was downtown for a friends b-day, I think this is the first time I’ve been downtown at night on a weekend and didn’t drink.

I made sure I left the party by midnight and drank only water. I was up by 6:45am, let the dogs outside, had my toast with peanut butter, a powerbar and was off. Luckily I know someone who lives right by the starting line and could park at his place without a problem. I was in line with my other colored bib competitors when 5 mins before the race was to start it began to rain! I don’t mind running in the rain, but I was really worried about slipping on the wet asphalt/cement. Everyone started cheering, the rain wasn’t going to stop us! Bring it on! It rained the entire race too...which helped keep me cool, not to mention soaking wet! I was determined to beat my Capitol 10K PR of 57:39, so I made sure to push myself harder this time. I had only been training for the past 3 weeks, usually running up to 4 miles, and only running 6 miles the weekend before around Town Lake. I love the Cap 10K, for me it’s an enjoyable course. Off we go, I make pretty good time the first couple miles, then I hit the hills which slow me down some, but I keep on going. Next thing I know I see the finish line! Hooray I’m almost done, I push it the last half mile and cross the finish line at
55:34! I beat my PR by 2 mins!

I also had a drastic improvement from last years time. Last year I had a heel injury which really slowed me down and it took me 1 hr and 55 seconds to complete the race.

Needless to say I’m ecstatic about my new PR and am already looking forward to the next race!
[...] Boot Camp (Done! 12/1/2009-1/28/2010) 29. Get back into a cardio step class (started 12/12/07) 30. Beat my Capitol 10K PR [57:39] (Done! 3/30/2008 [55:34]) 33. Fire a gun at a shooting range (Done! 2/10/08) 34. Put my golf [...]