Well, this past week has been crazy busy. I've gone out so much it's amazing really that I'm still standing...guess I'm like the energizer bunny.

I just keep going and going and going...
Here's the recap:
Mon 3/10 - Worked out at lunch. Actually stayed home in the evening and relaxed! Ate left over jambalaya.
Tues 3/11 - At the last minute decided to go to Sam's Boat with my softball team. I was out until about 10pm. Plus crawfish is in season so I had that for dinner! Yummy!
Wed 3/12 - Worked out at lunch. Ate left over jambalaya, then it was softball time! We won our game and celebrated at Merkaba (our sponsor). I was being good and made myself leave at 10pm despite all the protests for me to stay out longer.
Thurs 3/13 - Went to the
Rodeo again! This time I saw Jason Aldean...I knew two of his songs. It was quite a night, I was up on the TV screens at one point, saw a couple crazy bulls throw some cowboys around and step on them, and finally saw the Mutton Bustin! That was hilarious, I wish I could have done that as a kid.

Around 8pm I had to have some sausage wraps because the 16 oz beers were catching up to me.
Fri 3/14 - SXSW! I took the day off work and was downtown by 11:30am and stayed till 7am the next day! I had to crash at a friends place because I was in no shape to drive. Luckily I thought ahead and boarded the dogs for the evening so I didn't have to worry about them. Saw a couple bands, went to Cedar Street, Emo's, and a few other bars...and had dinner at Stubbs. I think I passed out a little after midnight. I ended up losing my sunglasses sometime throughout the night.

I was up by 7am, picked up my car, picked up the dogs, bought new sunglasses and was home by 8:30am.
Sat 3/15 - I wish I could say my day ended when I got home at 8:30am...but nope I was up and going again. Had lunch at Chuy's then went downtown to Third Base to watch the MSU game. We lost by 1 freaking point! How upsetting. From there I went to a BBQ with my softball team...and yes, that means more beer! I hung out there for about 3 hrs before heading home to rest for an hour. Then I was back out to Grahams for some dancing with Tammy! I must say I had on a cute outfit and was ready to boogie. My softball team peeps also came out to Grahams. It was a great night, closed down the bar, then hit up Whataburger for some fries and was home a little after 3am.
Sun 3/16 - Slept in till 10am...I wish I could have slept longer but 10am seems to be my cutoff. Took the dogs to the dog park, came back home and slept for 2 hours, then sat on the couch and caught up on all my shows.
Mon 3/17 -
HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY! I left work a little early to come home and let the dogs out, then headed down to Bagpipes for some pre-drinks w/ some co-workers. From there we went to Fado's...which was really packed and cost way too much money. I won't be doing that next year. $20 to get in and $9 beers is not a good deal. We stayed there for an hour before hitting up some other bars (w/ no cover). I called it a night at midnight and was home a little after 12:30am.
I think that about covers it...I might need a new liver after that week. I think I'm going to have to take a cue from Monica and give up drinking for a while....ha! Yah, we'll see.
Failure #15- I didn't make any home meals last week. But I was eating my left over jambalaya which was a home made meal...I really think that should count. ;-)
Success #44 and #45 - I'm really keeping up on these items, Excellent! I work out at least 3x's a week, sometimes more...and my weight is at an all new low! Gotta get ready for swim suit season...I really need a tan. My legs are glowing white.