I must say all our hard work really paid off! We received numerous compliments on our home. HUGE kudos to my friend Jennifer R for all her decorating advice and to my awesome husband for all the manual labor he had to endure. LUV you guys! I had the easy job of shopping for everything and supervising. :-D
Here's a list of all the home projects we completed before the party:
- raised vanity in the master bath and a cabinet installed over the 'throne'
- raised vanity in the kids bath, added double sinks, and cabinet over the commode
- installed a cabinet above the powder bath commode as well
- new curtains and hardware for the living, dining and breakfast nook areas
- new curtains and hardware for both kids rooms
- new bedding (comforters/sheets/pillows) for both kids rooms (Thanks Nana!)
- new 55" flat screen TV for the living room (AWESOME!)
- hired professional painters to paint the living room/hallways/entry in Sand Nile (khaki/green), kitchen/breakfast nook in Cherry Cobbler (red), and the dining room in Aster (light purple). There was NO WAY we were painting those 2 story high walls in the living room ourselves.
- laid down edging for the front flowerbed
- planted 6 new trees in the backyard
- hung rope lights on the back porch (mood lighting!)
- sealed the tile in the bathrooms (still need to seal the kitchen/entry/living rm areas)
- stained the fence (this was actually done the day after the housewarming party) ;-)
- new rug for breakfast nook
- several new wall decor pieces, decorative couch pillows and various other items throughout the house
- new his and her L-desks for the study and matching bookcase
- several new frames for all our engagement/wedding/family pictures
- installed new fans for the study & kids room and bought a nicer fan for the living room (which we still need to install, old fan will go to the guest room)
And of course what you've all been waiting for - the pictures of our home!

by cfreund
[...] 14. Meet my new neighbors (12/19/07, IP) 17. Use my hot tub at the new house (Done! 3/24/08) 18. Have a house warming party (Done! 4/18/08) – had 2 during this time frame! 19. Clean out my pantry (Done! Dec 2007) [...]