Started the weekend off right! First we joined the Cox's at their home for dinner and socializing, and when we came home Malek suggested we celebrate our upcoming housewarming party by christening our jacuzzi bath tub with a relaxing bubble bath! This gave me the opportunity to finally use the 'Cosmopolitan Bath Ice Cream Fizzy' that Monica had given me almost 2 years ago! Thx Moni! It was a great way to unwind from the week; sipping on champagne (same kind from our wedding), sensational bubbles and fizziness, and silky smooth skin that smelled delicious! My little rubber ducky (which I have displayed on the tub) partook in the rolling bubbles as well, and turned out to be a mighty fine spray toy too! It took several tries but I was finally able to squirt Malek between the eyes. ;-)

[...] Unfinished 101 list: 15. Cook at least one home meal(s) a week [i.e. eat out less] (103/143) 16. Actually use my bathtub and soak in a warm bath at least once a quarter. (2/11) - definitely should have done this more! 22. Go downhill snow skiing 23. Go camping at least once a [...]