Thursday evening we went to the pool for a couple hours, then came home and made grilled cheese and pink (tomato) soup. I love pink soup! Childhood fav :-D [#15 – home cooked meal(s) (57/143]
Friday morning we relaxed and then took the kids bowling. Afterwards we hit up HEB for some groceries and headed home for some quick cleaning. We decided Friday would be home made pizza night and invited Karen, Sabrina and Malek's sister Sara over for dinner. The pizza turned out awesome! So much better than last time (nothing was burnt). :-P For dessert the kids made brownies. Jenn and Monica ended up coming over a little later for some wine and socializing. We made it a late night, going all the way to 1:30am or so! [#15 – home cooked meal(s) (58/143)]

Saturday Malek and I went to see the "Hangover", hilarious! Afterwards we had lunch at Mighty Fines and then went shopping at JCPenny's. For dinner we grilled steaks, veggies and baked potatoes! We had decided to celebrate fathers day with dinner on Sat since we were going to be out on the lake all day Sun. The dinner was great and I must say the baked potatoes were awesome, ate the entire thing (skin and all)! [#15 – home cooked meal(s) (59/143)]
Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there! Sunday morning Emma made scrambled eggs and we put together breakfast taco's for Malek and gave him his gifts and cards for Father's day. The kids and I went in together and gave him a silver necklace with a silver "E" charm. He'd been talking about switching out his gold ones for silver. The perfect gift! Karen came over about 9:30am and we loaded everyone up and headed out to Lake Travis. We rented a boat and met several friends out at Carlos and Charlies for an awesome afternoon of fun in the sun. After we got off the water we had dinner at Carlos and Charlies and then headed home. Everyone ended up taking a nap (Malek was out for 2+ hrs). To finish off the weekend, Malek and I had a 9pm volleyball game.

I'm exhausted!
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