#15- With my parents here we've had several home cooked meals. Since I helped make them I'm counting them. ;-) We've had manicotti, chicken and dumplings, apple dumplings and rahm schnitzel...well I helped with all but the rahm schnitzel. I love it when my parents come to visit.
#41 - I wish I had time to do this before the move but oh well. While unpacking I decided to get rid of old shoes and purses that I no longer wanted or used, I think I eliminated about half them! I also decided to get rid of my VHS tapes and my spare VHS player, my old boom box from when I was a child (yes I still had it...now I need a new one because I don't have a stereo system) and some old books. I'll be taking it all to Goodwill once the new year starts. I still have to go through my closet and get rid of all the clothes I no longer wear...that's gonna be a big one.
On a side note, I put up all my Christmas decorations! Even assembled my big Christmas tree and we all decorated it together. It was a great family moment. :-) My brother flies in tonight (Christmas eve) and he'll get to see my new place all decked out! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

It looks great!