#15 - Tonight I made the Firecracker Flank Steak that I put together at Super Suppers for Amanda's birthday last weekend. Super Suppers definitely made it easy! At Super Suppers, they handle the shopping, chopping and mopping for you! That’s right, no stress or kitchen mess! All you have to do is prepare the delicious, chef-designed entrées and then take it home and freeze for later. It turned out pretty darn good! The meat was a little chewy but over all it had pretty good flavor and only took 10 mins to get it all ready. I also had bread and a salad with cherries and great company to go with it. Yea for me!

[...] My Alaska trip counts! 58. Get an electric tooth brush (advised by my dentist) (Done! Dec 2007) 60. Volunteer for a good cause (Done! 12/4/2007) 61. Spend more time outside (Done! 4/14/08 and ongoing) 62. Attend Wurstfest in TX [...]