
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Fitness Competition!

So...I’ve gone and done a crazy thing that is completely outside my comfort zone. It all began last year when a gradual running injury sidelined me from running and racing the ADC series. Not being able to run hit me hard, that coupled with thoroughly enjoying the last 2-3 months of the year took a hit to my waistline. I decided I needed a new goal, I needed to focus my energy on something else if I couldn’t run. Come the new year I settled on my challenging new goal….a bikini competition! That’s right, you read that correctly, I’m going to compete in a fitness competition come May. As of Jan 17th, I am registered for 4 different categories, it’s official official…no backing out. Eeeekkkk!!! It’s all sorts of scary and intimidating but I have a great coach, Nikky at Transform Fitness, to ensure I’m competition ready and my partner in crime and fellow competitor, Katie Ann, who will crawl through the trenches with me in high heels! Together we will crush this goal and slay our meal prep! We will have earned our summer beach bodies and I can rock my 40th year like no other! Wish me luck on this new endeavor and I appreciate any encouragement you throw my way as I begin this transformative journey. 💋👠👙

My Cinderella slippers :)

We are participating in the NPC Texas Body Building Contests, specifically the NPC (National Physique Committee) SOUTHEAST TEXAS CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Bikini Competition!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2018 Annual Deutschen Pfest 5K and Kids K

Holy moly, I just realized I never blogged about this race! For shame Christina, for shame...

My memory is now a bit fuzzy on the details so it will be a short post.  Our family loves this race!  It's local, only 15 mins down the road, perfect for kids and they serve free beer and pizza afterwards!

This ended up being an excellent race for me this year!  I had a solid run and managed to snag 2nd place in my age group.  It was 75 degrees, partly overcast with occasional rain.  I even remember seeing some lightning around mile 2 and was worried they were going to cancel the race, but we all made it through!

We had a huge turn out for our Pfelly's and love that it's a Team Beef approved race.  Even the littles had a blast, they love getting their medals after the Kids K and exploring the Fire Truck.

I had an official time of 25:35 at an 8:15 pace.  I can't find the results anymore online but Athlinks actually had it!
Malek - 35:17, 11:21 pace
Emma - 34:55, 11:14 pace

Pfelly's!  5/20/2018

Pfelly + Beef

Beef ladies
Family Pic!  DFest 2018
Kids K start

Kids K, Ry in the lead!
Ry and Emma almost done with the Kids K

Carsyn and Emma finishing up the Kids K

2nd place in my age group!  25:39 per my garmin, 8:12 pace

my results

Malek crossing the finish

Emma crossing the finish

2018 Running Review

This year was half awesome running and half injury related.  Not only was I sidelined half way through the year with foot issues, but I also found out I have mild arthritis in both knees...sigh.  I haven't been able to run since Jul/Aug due to plantar in my right foot.  ADC goals were dashed and I had to sell all my bibs in the race series (except the 1st race).  I did kept Shiner, no way was I giving up that awesome race and after party.  I was released from my boot the week of the Shiner race, I decided to downgrade from the half to the 10K and walk it.  After that race my foot was acting up again, so I had an MRI done and had to put the boot back on for another 4-6 weeks.  Not only was the plantar and peroneal tendonitis still there, but they found a partial tear in the peroneal tendon (outside of foot).  I'm just hoping I won't need surgery to repair it.  How my left foot made it through all this unscathed I will never know.

I was finally able to take the boot off my right foot at the very end of Dec, and it's still not 100%.  So no running for me anytime soon.  In fact I may not try a run until Apr/May.  I'm hoping my 1st race back can be our annual Dfest 5K...but we shall see.

Now to my 2018 review:
The beginning of 2018 was actually pretty good!  I was training for the Austin Full with my friends Michelle and Jennifer.  Thankfully everything was going really well; no hip pain, no injuries, body felt great!  We ran 3M in Feb, which was HORRIBLE as it was 65 degrees and humid.  Normally that race is cold! I was miserable due to the heat and humidity and we were just praying the Austin Marathon would have better temps. 

The marathon was in Feb and praise the lord we had awesome weather!!  It was 55 the entire time, overcast and misting.  I was energized and ready to tackle that course.  I gotta say I'm ecstatic for my time, it was a really tough course and I almost beat my PR, just shy of 3 mins.

Next up was TIR in March and I was team Captain!  This year we formed our own team of Pfelly's and friends.  It was a great time!

April was the Cap10K race.  I have a love/hate relationship with this race and only ran it because this was the 1st year ever for a medal.  This year it was super cold and I PR'd!  Plus we ran it under HEB so we enjoyed special pricing and the HEB tent afterwards.

I can't believe I forgot to blog about Dfest!  Totally realized that as I'm writing this post, so I will have to post a very delayed recap for that following this recap.  It was 75 degrees, partly overcast with occasional rain.  We had a huge Pfelly and Team Beef turn out and our entire family participated.  Malek, Emma and I ran the 5K and the littles ran the Kids K (Evan was at collage).  My Garmin said I had an 8:10 pace and I placed 2nd in my age group!

It was after this race that I started noticing my foot was beginning to hurt.  I made it to July 4th for our annual Pfelly lane 4th of July run and had to stop.  Then began all the Dr apts, PT and boot wearing.  Out the door went my dreams of competing in ADC...I think I'm cursed with this race series challenge.  Every time I sign up for it I get injured!

Total miles ran in 2018:  ~550 miles according to Strava.  Not too bad I guess considering I was out the 2nd half of the year.

History of all my races on Athlinks.

1/21 - 3M half - 2:02:09, 9:19 pace
2/18 - Austin Marathon!! - 4:21:11, 9:58 pace
3/23-25 - Texas Independence Relay, I was team captain!!!
4/8 - Cap10K - New PR!!!  official time of 53:25, 8:36 pace.  My Garmin said an 8:30 pace!
5/20 - Deutschen Pfest 5K - official time of 25:35, 8:15 pace.  2nd in age group!
July - foot injury...and it only got worse
9/16 - Casa 5K (ADC #1) - walked/slowly jogged it
11/18 - Shiner 10K -  had to downgrade from the half, walked it at a 16:00 pace

Upcoming races for 2019 (pending my foot):
May 19th - Deutschen pfest 5K
Nov 23rd - Shiner Half

Dfest 5/20/2018
Dfest for the entire family! 5/20

Dfest podium winners. 5/20/2018