Saturday we rented a ski boat and heading out on Lake Travis from 10am-4pm, Amanda and Gwen also joined us. The weather was perfect and the water felt great! Evan even tried his hand at wakeboarding and managed to get up on the 2nd try. We had a lovely time at Little Devil's Cove swimming and feeding the fishies. After we dropped Amanda and Gwen off, we drove around the lake for a while before arriving at Carlos'n Charlies for an early dinner. We were all exhausted (and sunburnt) when we finally made it home. To conclude our evening we all plopped down on the couch to watch Labyrinth before heading off to bed.

Sunday morning the kids and I made Malek breakfast - he had requested waffles and bacon. We also surprised him with a forerunner watch and a couple of cards. The rest of the day we relaxed and nursed our red skin. For dinner Malek grilled us some awesome pork tenderloin kabobs, veggie kabobs and yellow corn on the cob. I put together the jalapeno poppers...but apparently they didn't survive the grease fire on the grill. hmmmmm Other than that casuality, the food was delish!
Happy Father's Day!

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