Today I will be playing in my first scramble! It's for the Institute of Internal Auditors – Austin Social/Networking Event. I haven't touched my golf clubs in 2 summers or so (last time was when Monica and I took those 4 golf lessons back in 2007??). I'm looking forward to it. :-D For $34 we get a round of golf, cart, range balls and lunch. Not sure if we are playing 9 or 18 holes so I hope I can last (92 degrees today!). I brought my camera to capture the event and will update this post with the results. There are 11 teams and we'll be playing at Blackhawk Golf Club.
** Updates **
I had a great time golfing! We ended up only playing 8 out of 18 holes, our group of 4 was ready to get out of there by 4:30pm, plus the group behind us was very impatient. :-P I definitely would like to go back again soon and work on my swing, but not to Black Hawk. Black Hawk's course was horrible, weeds everywhere, paths flooded, etc.

[...] 10K PR [57:39] (Done! 3/30/2008 [55:34]) 33. Fire a gun at a shooting range (Done! 2/10/08) 34. Put my golf lessons to work and actually play 9 or 18 holes (Done! 5/15/09) 36. Go to the Circus! (Done! 8/22/09) 37. Join Word of the Day [...]