OMG! What a night. I had a softball game at 7:30pm and arrived just in time to start the game. I didn't get to warm up or stretch or anything...not to mention I lifted weights today at the gym. We head out to the field first and I get to play left center. The first guy gets up to bat and hits it right to me! "Oooohhh I've got it I've got it!" I yell, and I actually catch it! But to my dismay it jumps out of my mitt.

I jog back to my spot all disappointed and realize, wow, my legs really hurt...what did I do? We get 3 outs right away and we're up to bat...I'm the last one up and ready to go....HIT! I'm running and OMG my legs are burning. What is wrong with me! I limp around to 3rd base and signal to the pit that I need someone to step in for me. I finally realized I had pulled both thigh muscles.

From then on for the rest of the game I played catcher since I couldn't run. Everyone was really nice about it though and said I did an excellent job as catcher. Oh well, next time I'll make sure to stretch.
Needless to say I limp home and guess what comes to mind?

A nice hot bubble bath! I spent the next 45 mins soaking in the tub and drinking a glass of sparkling grape juice.

Yup, you read that right. Not wine but actually sparkling grape juice. What can I say, I actually like the stuff.
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