HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe we are in 2008. The holidays just flew by, plus I accomplished quite a few tasks before the end of the year.
#4 - Decorate my new house (IP). This is not complete but definitely started. I already have curtains in several rooms, all the pictures are hung and all the rooms are filled.

I even got a new kitchen table in espresso (I just LOVE the dark wood). I still need to finish off the touch-up painting inside and out, change out a few more lights (will take a while on that, lights are expensive!) and perhaps some landscaping. Though the landscaping will have to wait till warmer weather.

I'm sure I will think of many more things to do later.
#5 - Buy new wine glasses. I didn't actually buy them since I got them as a Christmas gift from my mom, but I get to mark them off anyways! I received 4 new white wine glasses and 4 new burgundy red wine glasses. Pretty sweet deal, especially since I didn't have any red wine glasses at all!
#15 - Cook home meal(s) (7/143). My mom and I made Jaeger schnitzel, mashed potatoes and cooked some broccoli for our last family dinner. It turned out great and we even cooked it in my new electric skillet (house warming gift from the parents). I have plenty of left overs to last me a week! We also made eggs benedict Christmas morning. Two of my favorite meals.

#19 - Clean out my pantry. The move took care of this task. I was able to throw out any really old items as well as cook most of it while my parents were here. Of course I'm not sure how much I actually got rid of since my pantry is so much bigger, it looks like I have less food stuff. Could be deceiving....
#29 - Cardio step class (IP, started 12/12/07). I resumed my cardio class today! If felt great to finally work out again. I wasn't able to exercise at all over the holidays.
#40 - Read more than just fiction novels/books (IP). Currently reading "Leading from the Front: No-Excuse Leadership Tactics for Women" by Courtney Lynch and Angie Morgan.
#58 - Get an electric tooth brush (advised by my dentist). My brother contributed to this one since he surprised me with it for Christmas. I haven't tried it out yet but will make sure I carve out time for it this week!
#66 - Set up my new computer and figure out how to transfer all the files. Not sure if this counts or not because I didn't transfer all the files. While my brother and dad were in town over the holidays, they decided to start the process. They took care of my email and a few other things, but left plenty of things for me to still do. Last night I spent over an hour installing some programs and downloading drivers. I'm now using Vista which takes some getting used too...and my computer doesn't have Office so I'll have to buy and install it myself. :D
#67 - Set up the monkey speakers for my computer that I bought 4 months ago! Well they are on the new computer but I'm not impressed. They may look cute but sound horrible.

I'll probably switch back to my old speakers. Oh well!
#72 - Get new sleepwear. Nate helped me with this one, he gave me two new sets for Christmas (as well as many other spectacualar gifts!), one long pair and one short pair of PJ's. I'll still probably have to get a few more sets so that I can throw away ALL the old ones. :)
I think that covers it. ;-) Hopefully I'm not forgetting anything.
New Years was awesome! A group of us made reservations at
JBlacks for the evening and partied hard all night long! We also reserved hotel rooms downtown so that we wouldn't have to drive. What a great way to blow away 2007! I definitely would like to do that again next year.