
Monday, October 29, 2018

Injury update - I got the boot!

Say hello to my little friend. Peroneal tendonitis. So long ADC, you my friend are never gonna happen for me...At least 2-3 weeks in the boot, then we shall see how I feel. And no, I was NOT running...I was being good, but body was overcompensating for the plantar and caused the tendons on the outside of ankle to become overloaded, making it painful and difficult to walk. Treatment: Immobilization: Stopping the foot and ankle from moving using a boot or support.

So yup, ADC goals were dashed.  As soon as I received this diagnosis I sold all my bibs except for Austin Half.  I'm not even allowed to do bootcamp!  Now I'm just trying to rest (so hard for me to do) and figure out trendy footwear to pair with my new accessory.

Oh, I am keeping my Shiner bib...hoping by Mid Nov I'll be able to walk the 10K.  If not, I'm still going to the after party!

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