Friday: We had a wonderful time out on Lake Travis with friends. Plenty of sun, fun, drinks and people watching in Devil's Cove. ;-) Boating made for a whole day event. We were exhausted when we finally pulled into the driveway at 9pm. So glad we cleaned house and did all the chores Thursday night so that we could just crash when we got home.

Saturday: We had a few friends and family over for BBQ and fireworks! My backyard faces Old Settlers Park and The Dell Diamond, so we see fireworks all the time. Malek grilled some mouth watering ribs and brisket and everyone else brought a side dish (#15 - home cooked meals 63/143). We thought about going over to Old Settlers for some of the events, but the 109 degree temperature was a great deterrent. We stayed at the house where there was AC and lots to drink. :-) At dusk we climbed up on the roof for a better view and watched the fireworks. It was awesome! We could see about 4-5 other communities fireworks display. Definitely worth it!

Sunday: RELAX and RECOVER! In the morning Karen and I booked our Alaskan excursions and ran a quick errand to Burlington Coat factory for some raincoats for the trip. The rest of the day was spent on the couch watching TV and eating awesome leftovers. It was a nice relaxing day, don't get too many of those!
What a nice place. I really like this natural beauty.