
Monday, November 26, 2018

Shiner Race Weekend!

We 💖this race!!  Unfortunately this year due to my injuries and wearing a boot for a month (plantar fasciitis, partial paroneal tendon tear, peroneal tendonitis all in my right foot), I had to downgrade from the half to the 10K and WALK it.  I found out about the partial tear 2 days before the race.  However I was determined NOT to miss this race and wanted the medal because it had a bottle opener on it!  It's all about the hardware.   

We drove down to Gonzales Friday after work and joined some friends for a late dinner at La Bella Tavola, the same place we ate at last year.  Afterwards we checked into our hotel (Holiday Inn) and hit the sack.  Next year we discussed us all renting at the same B&B!

Dinner at La Bella Tavola
The race was Saturday morning at 8:30 am for the half and 8:45 am for the 5/10k.  The weather again was amazing!  This year it was about 50 degrees at the start (vs 70 the previous year), with the high around 65 degrees.  The sky was gorgeous, partially cloudy/sunny and a very light breeze.  It was so hard not to go out running when the race started, I had to hold myself back.  Malek and I walked the first 2 miles together before he turned around at the 5K mark and I continued with the 10K.  My foot did throb the entire time and was super sore the next day.  I knew I'd be going back in the boot once I got home.  I finished with just under a 16 pace.  Not bad for walking!  Funny little side note; somehow Malek and I switched you can tell in the pics the one he's wearing is a little short and mine is huge. Oops!


Getting our walk on!

Race complete!

The gang, celebrating!

The after party was amazing as always.  Great weather, great friends, great food and of course Shiner beer!  We stayed until ~2 pm then drove back to the hotel to shower, take a nap and head back out to the Come and Take It Bar & Grill for dinner.  OMG they have the best pizza!

Dinner at the Come and Take It Bar & Grill

We slept in Sunday morning and leisurely made our way back home by lunch time.

Can't wait to do it all again next year!  Fingers crossed to be injury free so I can run the half again.  😁  Though I gotta say, it was nice to 'walk' the shorter distance and not feel pressure to race.