Labor day weekend was a blast!
Friday 8/29- A group of us went to Pluckers after work for HH. There was a really funny guy singing outside about his life stories and then a huge storm hit! The water was actually coming in sideways and Pluckers had to lower the even started to flood a little. Thankfully it didn't last too long, but it was quite entertaining. Later that evening Christie, Nico, Malek and I headed out to GCS for some dancing and karaoke fun. No, I did not sing, I'm horrible.
Saturday 8/30- First UT game of the season! Malek and I headed downtown for some tailgating at his brothers tailgate. He has an awesome location and they served fish tacos, brats and a few other choice meats. We were there until the camp headed out to the game. Since we didnt' have tickets we made our way over to
Scholz Garten (
# 89 on my list) for some beer and to watch a bit of the game! It was very interesting...amongst a sea of orange and inebriated fans we found a place to sit outside. Across from us was this poor chap that was pretty much passed out. Everyone once in a while he'd try and move and get up but he was fighting a losing battle. Eventually Scholz escorted him out. We headed home shortly after that since we were exhausted. I didn't get to watch the MSU game because it wasn't on TV, had to order Game Plan and I didn't feel like paying that much for it. We were down for the count by 10pm.
Sunday 3/31 - This day was spent recovering, cleaning house, mowing the lawn, and grocery shopping. It was a nice low key evening, watching TV and playing my favorite card game hand & foot.
Monday 9/1- Happy Labor Day! I had a small group over for a BBQ at my place. Malek did the cooking, and it was awesome! This takes care of
#15 (cook home meals - 27/143) for the week. Erika brought over an amazing cake and we spent the whole day just relaxing and conversing. Later Stinson came over to watch the TENN game....and boy was that intense! It was a crazy game, unfortunately TENN couldn't pull it off...I didn't think Jenn was going to survive.
All in all a great weekend. :-)
[caption id="attachment_196" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="UT Tailgate 8/30/08"]
